Safety Notice


We would like to remind all stallholders of the need for proper pegging of their shade structures, especially in regards to an expected increase in adverse weather events this decade & beyond.

Please check the weather and wind speed ahead of each market and take extra precautions for any forecast of winds above 20kmh.

A few issues need to be noted:

  1. Stall shade structures should always be pegged & have a back-up system for heavy winds, such as larger pegs or extra ropes to secure the stall to their car.

  2. Water containers are NOT suitable for securing structures in strong winds. A gust of wind under your stall roof can generate several tens of kilograms of lift whereby your water container may become a flying hazard with potential to do serious damage.

  3. Forecast wind speeds can be exceeded by 50% in gusts. So, a 30k/h wind may throw a 45k/h gust but has more than double the lifting power!

  4. Check your gear. Larger pegs will not help if your ropes are not up to the task. Modern plastic ropes deteriorate from exposure to sunlight. If your structure has had many years of use the ropes & tabs sewn to the roof need to be checked. The tabs & the stitching can weaken over time.

  5. Be aware that pegs & ropes can loosen in gusty weather - check them.

  6. It is stall holders’ responsibility to check weather forecasts & secure their stalls appropriately. Often the pegs supplied with Quikshades etc, are inadequate for anything but fairly calm conditions. Get bigger pegs & use them. Being ahead of the game is important as wind gust can come out of nowhere & none of us want damage & injury. Make sure your insurance is up to date.

Finally, we have cancelled markets due to heavy winds & heavy rain in the past &, as always, will continue to monitor weather conditions for each market. If you need advice in regards to the safety of your structure, ask for Donnie at the Information Yurt. We also have screw in pegs available for sale at below cost price.

Please email: with any questions / feedback.

Green and yellow bins at Yamba River Markets